Sunday, September 16, 2012

What are Superfood?

Superfood for Human Being.
superfood is only a superfood if it’s widely available, affordable and easy to incorporate into your diet. Otherwise, it’s not helping you much. A superfood is a powerhouse of essential nutrients. Luckily, some of the foods you are already eating daily may just be some of the superfoods listed below. If not, try to incorporate them by adding them to your

favorite dishes (where applicable).


This cruciferous vegetable protects the body against cancer. It also contains a healthy dose of Vitamin C in just one cup. You can also indulge in cauliflower for similar nutrients. Try broccoli and cauliflower steamed or even roasted along with other vegetables and sprinkled with sea salt.


Kale packs Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Calcium. It also contains nutrients to protect vision. It’s a heart healthy food, lowering the bad cholesterol (LDL) and raising the good cholesterol (HDL). Prepare it by steaming it, sauteing it and even tossing it in soups.


You’ve probably heard that blueberries are super healthy. They are packed with antioxidants, reducing the risk of cancer, heart disease and even diabetes. You can buy them fresh, freeze dried or frozen. Toss them in yogurt, or simply eat handfuls of them for a sweet treat. You can also add them to muffins and pancakes. For a quick snack on the go, make a trial mix with various nuts and dried fruit, including dried blueberries. Nuts are a superfood as well, some are heart healthy and packed with fiber.


Almonds are high in fiber and high in calcium, magnesium and protein. Walnuts are high in omega-3 fatty acids and considered one of the most heart healthy foods. Selenium, an important antioxidant, is found in brazil nuts. Fortunately, nuts can easily be added to the diet. You can put chopped nuts into your yogurt, into muffins and on your salad. Snack on them during the day for a protein snack. Also try nut butters, smearing them on toast and rice crackers or mixing a spoonful into your oatmeal.

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In reality, all vegetables and fruits can be considered superfoods because they contain beneficial and essential nutrients. Mix up your intake and focus on variety. Beans are also superfoods, providing fiber and protein among a list of other nutrients. One way to encourage better eating habits is to log your food intake, that way you can be sure you’re getting enough superfoods to properly fuel and maintain your body.

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